Friday 3 August 2012

Whats in a book?
Is it words only or is it knowledge I ask myself! in Limpopo textbooks are not a neccesity nor are they an immidiate need! why do schools,principals only cry mid year that they do not have material that shapes a childs mind?
What is in a book for me is : Empowerment



The Basic Education Minister cannot take full blame for the embarrassing saga that has plagued the Limpopo province for more than six months. I grow up knowing that in January when schools open I would receive all the relevant study materials I would need for the rest of the year! Has procedure changed since my last day at school? I doubt it! But I sense a culture of relaxation has infiltrated the broader education system. Why do I say so? It is human nature to believe when people take responsibility for their own actions they would not point fingers at one individual for being at fault for all that has happened. Our Minister did not fail the schools, the system did. I am not about sides, but I am on the side of perspective.

Our dear Minister Agie Motshekga is only at fault for one thing, and that is her cunning ability to stand firm for what she believes in within her confidence as a woman and as a leader! We all know that human behavior that seems to project a certain high level of confidence other people can mistake that for being too pompous or arrogance. Many people like me at first can misjudge this character in the Minister as a blind fold over her eyes from seeing the truth and absolute truth about the matter at hand. I would love to challenge the Basic Education ministry public relations and communications team to better project the Minister's public image, so that she can better her work without any distractions, as I am a firm believer in the notion that says "The is always room for improvement".

The saga of textbook in limpopo only highlighted the importance of books in society. Even professionals in the department of Basic Education can confirm that they too are were they are because it all started with a book! Lets help each other as a community,as principles,as Ministers to restore the Dreams of many children in order to Empower them within a high Literacy rate that gains them Independence in the near future.


  1. I think our minister is fooling herself when she says she is doing a good job. if she was, there wouldnt be a textbook sarga going on.

    1. think she was assessing her overroll performance in the job not in isolation1 but i hear your point

  2. the question still remains should our minster be fired

    1. it is almost similar to soccer, should we blame the coach or the players for failing to win a game?

  3. this text book saga is really a disgrace to us all, it gives a bad image about our country and how we handle situations. i would really like to know as to what really happened as a result of this mess and who is really to blame.

    1. as we look on the news more and more information is coming forward which shows that the issue is not an isolated case, people in cape town now say there are few schools there without books themselves! the blaming game will not solve the issue but i agree we need to pin point error marks to rectify for the future

  4. Please check your spelling before publishing the blog! Minister's name is NOT Agie!

    1. thank you for the notice, my assessor has pointed that out also.

    2. but your view on the matter are still missing in action!
