Friday 17 August 2012

Even Mandla Mandela's private affairs requires a spokesperson.
Mandla Mandela and his French bride, Anais Grimaud
(source : )
Comments such as ''She's French, what do you expect?" and "Family gatherings must get a little tense." were the order of the day on the Daily Mail online newspaper article. What was the whole fuss about? The humiliation of a love triangle scandal involving Nelson Mandela’s grandson Mandla Mandela and his French bride Anais Grimaud.
I was first surprised that the first time I read about this was from an overseas article about the affairs of my own backyard. I quickly remembered the difference in approach and delivery African newspapers have in comparison to the rest of the world. Locally I know such issues are respected and treated as a private family matter which has no place in the public domain. Even if a particular individual is a well-known public figure, culture and tradition of respecting another man’s private affairs takes precedence over the sale of a publicly intriguing story.
As I observe article after article including this latest one I cannot stop asking myself whether the family has a spokesperson at their disposal. Such private issues in the public domain require the skill of a public relations practitioner (PRP). Mandla Mandela shouldn’t be troubled with communicating with the media when a family spokesperson should be made available to deal with all matters and enquiries by the press. Mandla Mandela’s wife is alleged to have had a child not by her husband but by her husband’s brother!
Nelson Mandela and grandson, Mandla Mandela

True or not that is beside the point. The issue remains question whether Mandla Mandela public image is treated with fairness by the his voice being projected the way he wants when challenged by printed stories. Having a PRP in a way levels out the battle field in order for all parties to have a voice. I for one would be shocked beyond words if indeed Mandla Mandela has a spokesperson.if so ,then I urge that particular individual to communicate using all the relevenat resources available to him\her in order for us to hear the voice that with dim out the intensity of this fire of a scandal.


  1. That bride was never happy to beginning wIth! Look at her in the top picture! She is not smiling!

  2. Like it or not, the Mandela family is a well known public figure and we cant help it but to be curious about the life they live but we should also learn to respect their private life just as they are human like you and me.

    1. its true what you said. they normal people but thrown in the spot light with cloud of controversies

  3. Yoh hae, now that's just bad. Maybe they rushed into getting married. Now the rumours about her pregnancy and that she wasn't impregnated by Mandla are just outrageous. How do they know (those who are spreading the rumours?), were they around when she fell pregnant????

    1. the case was taken to court and the info i read hastly was that the husband was infertile and incapable of having kids. cant remem the link i will check it for you.

  4. i think that, irrespective of whether the family has a prp or a spokesperson,we will still be very curious about why did Mandla Mandela marry a french bride, he still has to face the media and say something for himself.

    1. i was just stating fact that he needs someone on a professional level to represent him and give him a fair look cause his image is being played with by half truths and half wrongs

  5. The Mandela family will forever be talked about and I think at times they forget just how much of public figures they are.

    1. thats soo true that is why i was wondering if indeed Mandla has a spokesperson in place. for Mandela i normally see the Mandela fondastion answering most of the questions fromthe media on behalf of the family
