Friday 10 August 2012

Women's Day Disables Women

Women standing together for a common course at the union building on the 9th August 1956

Looking at the picture above even as a man, I feel proud and honoured to know that our country had and still has some courageous women. Celebration of National Women's Day for me feels like it is inspired by the International Women's Day. The local special day has a more personal feel for women who were present on the day were South African women marched to the Union buildings in unity for a common course/believe. For such organised acts and standing for what they believe in proves to me an organisation or federation was found were women can as a collective stand tall for what they believe in.
 As women of today reflect and celebrate the "special day", in my ear there seems to be a voice which echoes from a lot of different women:
  • "Today is my special day I am not cooking, you man must cook for us"
  • "You forgot to wish me happy women's day"
  • "This is a day for all women to feel special"
One can clearly observe the word women shares same platform as the word 'special' in many phrases. My question is, do you not think associating women with words such as "special" renders them disabled in a way? I believe it does, even though that was not the initial objective for when days were set aside to remember and honour women all over the world.
 I also have to state that by no means is this blog about the battle of the sexes as some may think. It is about magnifying the unintended meaning Women's Day presently carries along with other meanings and views every individual has. "Men do not understand", a reply I get when I verbalise the issue and voice my concerns about what the future role of continuous celebration for women on a particular day  have on little girls when they too grow up to become women. I hate to think the same issues that plague women today in society will still recycle themselves in the unbreakable circle chain of human ignorance.
 Women rights groups will therefore agree with me when I say women equality in a society full of male dominance is an objective! Again these possess a few questions as to the type of equality which is desired? Would that mean equality with special conditions? Or are we offering that a special day be set aside also to celebrate Man Day?
 On the other side of the spectrum I have personally observed and researched the drastic changes noticeable in the way women today are treated, which is totally different to women of yesterday. Do we credit the endless struggle and fight for women's rights for this achievement of were women are today? And at what price has the battle for equality are women currently paying for?

Picture mocking Women's Day which has gone viral on the social media

The picture above was send to people and forwarded by same people with the intention of appealing to the humorous side of both men and women. My thought are that the initiator of the picture did not think twice about the implications a simple photo will have on years of struggle and fight for women equality it would have on society. It makes one wonder what triggers this type of insensitive humour. This results in more questions than answers at some instances. As I conclude I am reminded of a phrase which says "inside every joke there is truth". To me every day is women's day and no special day needs to be set aside to remind me about just how important and vital are the women of the world are. Nor do any women need a day to celebrate what must be a daily thing.


  1. Bravo! I agree with you 100%! Woman's day is to remind everyone of the need to honor women on a daily basis and to thank all the participants of the 1956 protest!

  2. Thank you for your thoughts. Then again its human nature to divert from the initial meaning of the special day of thanking the 1956 women.

  3. as much as wee celebrate women days some woman have lost value because of the negative things they do , so do you think that those women should also be celebrated

    1. They may be negative in your opinion and special to other people. It's a matter of relativity!

    2. i think the core issue to remeber is that we celebrate a common cause for woman and not selective or special course which will then exclude others

  4. Interesting... For a moment I thought there was something wrong with me. Most of us celebrate the day without proper understanding of what we are really celebrating. Most of us misunderstand what it means to be liberated, and the concept of equality seemed to have munched a portion from the beauty of womanhood. Most of us wait for the one day of the year to celebrate who we are, we fail to teach are little girls how to be women. Most of us are busy battling to be men, and there is clearly a reason why we are not.

    It is amazing that most of us think we can be more like men 364 days and just one day be women. The beliefs of the women who matched on that day, were clearly not as distorted as our beliefs today. Their beliefs were not intended to take way from our womanhood, but to empower us.

    Yes it truly is a special day, but we can celebrate ourselves everyday of the year; and we do that start by trying to be better women. Why be like a men when you are not good at being you.

    1. thank you soo much for that insightful eye opening comment. i agree with you on soo many levels. why indeed should women imitate men when they can just be proud of who they are and not try and measure up.that takes away the main focus which is equality not similarity!

  5. "Woman's day is over" laugh out loud.... yeah woman's month its indeed an honour and am glad that man like you see the beauty behing womans day and the importance behind it... All woman are special and are unique in they own way and blessed. Woman's day is not a waist of time but a great celebration. :-)

    1. thank you Sibusiso. by nor means am i saying women's day is a waist of time. i was merely stating the fact that its human nature to divert from the real purpose of celebrating the day and more importantly how equality is achieved on a neutral ground and women do not need SPECIAL days to celebrate what must be celebrated daily

  6. Yes womens day is the day to honour all women who have played a very big part in people's lives. I agree with you when you say that it should be celebrated everyday and teach the young boys how a woman is treated. A good point that you hyave there man.

    1. if i could add on your comment..." it should be a day to teach both young boys and girls how a woman should be treated

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I believe womens day is a significant day that requires more than one day in which women are celebrated in South Africa, it should be a continuous event in my books.

  9. Every public holiday in South Africa has lost its original meaning and significance.

    1. it goes to show just how many people really know about the true meaning behind the day. it must start with us and parents and grandparents who were there at the time to sit down and enlighten the young ones what really happend on they day and we must stop taking things for granted that kids know everything

  10. i think the picture tells a story that as women we are being appreciated for just a day, women are still being abused each and very day. women's day should not only be for a day but should be celebrated each and everyday

    1. thank you for the comment, on the matter of women are being abused everyday, that too may fall under women equality and the way they are seen by men! if we put all other issues under one umbrella to fight for women's rights a way foward will be seen

  11. Womans day acknowledges the importance of women in South Africa, and it is good to see that there are so many women who have achieved so much in their lives even in unfavourable conditions.

    1. it is the fight and sweat of women from the past that women today are were they are right know, women fought for themselves not to carry passes, so i urge women of today to continue the course
