Friday 20 April 2012

Gang Rape Scars Get Elongated

One of the worst forms of violating a fellow human being is through rape. Rape points out the line between moral and immorality in terms of human behaviour. The law is put in place to help remind and enforce punishment if such violations are made such as rape. Some human beings need protection to and from themselves.

In the recent news a devastating incident occurred to a mentally disturbed 17 year old girl from Soweto, Johannesburg, in which she was gang raped. Let stop right here and ask ourselves where was her mother? As I read through the different articles, I was quick to notice that even when the little girl disappeared from home, her own mother did not see it necessary to report her mentally disabled daughter missing at the police station.

  • Did the mother just brush it off as a stunt her daughter is used to pulling by being away from home?
  • Was the mother careless about creating a security net for her child?
  • What other issues are at play in this story that lead to the gang-rape of a 17 year old girl?
  • In her own defence that 48 year old mother was quoted as saying she did report the rapes occurring to her child as from 2009 to the police but they did not open a case of missing as the 17 year old had tendencies of going missing and then turning up.
As I read further on one article in the Sowetan newspaper published on 20th April 2012, the 7 men not only are there minors among them but they took a video as well. I am flabbergasted as the reporter stated that the men had smiles on their faces as they took turns raping. At the back of my mind I am saying ''the reporter saw the video too''. It does not come as a surprise as this story is on everybody’s lips where ever I go in Johannesburg. The video went viral ladies and gentleman.

Immorality was passed on from person to person even now as you read this blog; the ugly side of social media communication is taking place.

5 of the 7 chraged men who gang raped the 17 year old girl hiding their faces as they enter the Roodepoort magistrate's court in Johannesburg

Not only is social media being used to promote and get the world connected, it is connection and promoting immorality as well. As human beings we should never forget that once a good thing happens or is discovered, that same thing will start having a few rotten apples in the ''social media communication basket'' in the case.


  1. i think the the media has to stop reprting about this story because all the is just create publicity and they forget the media might be facing ethical dillema about reporting about what society wants and respecting the rights and privacy of the was indeed a touching story but lets let the girl recover from this trauma and get on with her life because she is very still young and does nt need this fuss

    1. thank you for your view, indeed we need to more on to more pressing issues of life

  2. social media is there for us to share information and have fun, but this shows that some people are using it for stupid and rong reasons.this is such a disgrace and its suprising that it was done by minors.lets just hope that the girl recovers and her whole life is not disturbed by this.

    1. it is too late she is already disturbed and tramatised by the ordeal. someone sould call welfare and ask if the have systems in place to help a mentally chalenged child and her mother

  3. It is shocking at what people we trust in our communities can do to us. I just hope we find justice in our societies and that these people who raped the poor girl get what they deserve.

    1. thank you for the view. indeed we also need to look at social services of our country

  4. shocking that our fellow brothered can do that to an honest soul but who is to blame?

    1. a collective of issues were at play ,so numerous factors are to blame

  5. Im still shocked I never thought YouTube would keep this video on- line until today,this shows that they lack Ethics

    1. the web has has created a morally free zone where right and wrong do not exist


    1. all three must take responsibility for their part in this

  7. This story makes me ask myself where did we go wrong as a society, some blame the parents, community, media and the police.

    We need to work together to instil discipline and good moral values amongst our children, and stop the blaming game is not going to get us anywhere

    1. we have been going the wrong way for a while now, we not blaming we asking question were was social services when child or mother didnt care for her child. it is as if the we saying townships cannot be helped when it comes to mentaly challenged people. we brush it off and ignore it when a mentally sick person or man walks in and craches a wedding for instance.

  8. @Simangele media is here to feed us with newsworthiness and this are issue we face in our daily lifes. I feel sorry for the poor 17 year old girl she does not deserve this. The mother is to be blamed for negligence.

    1. and the wrong doers also. the mother's role just created a chain reaction which was not meant to happen in the first place. education and the mother did not have resources for her mental child to go to. blame will have to be shared in this case i was justt highlighting the mother's role to society

  9. You as a future parent, will you monitor your kid(s) mobile?

    1. if i what them to be safe.i will do all i can .they wil be under my roof and leave under my care ,they r too young to know what a crazy world we live in

  10. The society that we live in has been so accomodating to changing times that people are loosing their cultural values and drifting away from humanity.

    1. i agree with you that we are forgeting what is wrong or right just but the young men cannot forget something what they were never taught in the first place. lets focus our eyes on the parents if they have support to guide their own children or not and as a community help each other...

  11. The mother is 2 be blamed for not creating a secruty net around her child, it goes to show how much she values herself if she could live her her mentally disturbed child being raped over and over again and yet she still let's the child wonder round not knowing where the child is going or where she is.

    1. i think there came a point were the mother herself felt tired and didnt know how to ask for help and then she gaveup..thus you hear that she didnt even bother when child went missing for days on end, even the police were quoted as saying the not opening a case because she does a disappearing act alot. a real shame and we should as a community look at ourselves too and reflect this incidence in our own lives

  12. There are hundreds of situations like this country wide and many not reported what do you think cintributes to this major rate of rape cases and what is the government doing about this. Also what can we as citizens do about these situations.

    1. we can educate ourselves and the young men of the townships that you dont have to succum to peer pressure to show you a man by raping a woman. we can change laws to safe guard our mentaly challenged kids..its your country and its your government ,your voice and mine can change alot if only we speak out

  13. i for one reside in Soweto and i fear everyday that something bad is really going to happen to me. the world has turned upside down, the things that are happening here are just not fair.

    1. its a reflection of what kind of people we are and that scares me the most.

  14. Other parent don't play a role to their children how can a child be missing espacially for a child who is mentally ill.

    1. back in the old days you will remember a child was raised by a community,this days child we expect to be raised by parent alone and when child does wrong we dont correct them cause its not our child thus the young men if we dig deep in thier past and family life a bet we will find alot of broken homes with young boys having to fend for themselves

  15. Wow it is really a shame what is happening in our country really, it makes me wonder what would I do if I were to find myself in the similar situation...Mzansi needs to be taught a lot things, I think we are losing a sense of behaviour and attitude.

  16. and lets not forget behaviour and attitude stem from the roots of moral values
